Video Games- Old and New

                 Call of Duty: Black Ops: Annihilation  (Downloadable Content)

On June 29, 2011 Activision released a DLC titled Annihilation for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360. This DLC included 4 new maps, called Drive-in which is map on an abandoned drive in movie theater, Hazard, a large golf course, Silo, a map where a couple silos are on the map, causing the player to go around them, and Hanger 18, a airplane hanger with planes in it. The DLC also released a new Zombie map, titled Shangri-La where you and your friends can play up to 4 people, and try to survive for as long as you can against the zombie horde. There is also a giant easter egg which you can activate with 4 people, and many people have already done it by using a guide.The map also has a new weapon, a shrink gun, and introduces three new enemies. The Napalm zombie, the Shrieker zombie, and Zombie Monkeys. The zombie map is very fun to play with four friends as it gets really funny if everybody has a microphone. The new maps might be a pain at first mainly because you don't know anything about them and where the good choke-points are. The DLC receives a 6/10 from me. The DLC is not worth it's cost and if they could release it for Xbox360 why couldn't they release it for the PS3 at the same time? Treyarch is not being fair to all of their customers and they need to have better plans in terms of customer service.